Director's Desk

Salwan Public School - Mr. Brijesh Kumar

Education is a priceless possession. Hence each one of you must make it your obsession.

It enlightens your mind activates your brain, widens your outlook and smartness you up.

It is because of education that once confidence levels soars and make one a worthy citizen of one’s country.

Our school has earned a stellar reputation in the field of quality education along with cultural values and sporting events. It is our endeavor to give the school the best that we can give and we want the children to enjoy every minute of their being here in this environment children are the future and the pillars of the society and the country. I except that the team of B.D. Salwan Public School will endeavor to bring out best of the quality in our children. We look forward to shape up your ward with the most modern method of the education and look forward for your active co-operation.